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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Narrator, Bodh Raj, Narrator's mom
  • I don't think you should be Bodh Raj's friend. He likes hurting everyone.
  • But I have no one else to talk to! All my friends don't want to walk so far to come here!
  • Alright, at least tell him to help us clean the store room, it is filled with too much straw, because of the nests.
  • Ok Mom, I will go call him!
  • Bodh Raj and narrator find the baby mynahs' nest his mother was talking about. Then they found a kite that was ready to eat the baby Mynahs! Bodh Raj was ready to aim at it when -
  • Bodh Raj stop! The kite will come attacking at you!
  • Now this was rather unusual coming from Bodh raj!
  • It alright! I have to attack it to save the baby Mynahs!
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