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Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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القصة المصورة الوصف

Pain in the heart.

نص القصة المصورة

  • Well young lady, what seems to be the problem?Very peaceful private girl is seen with her head down in deep personal thought"oh I don't know... It seems that every day is filled with so many things that are so difficult... I just don't know what to do about everything"policeman turns towards her, then looks away speaks loudly: "well young lady every day can be filled with wonderful beautiful things as well. Now you know that must be true!"The girl says, "I've seen so many beautiful things. My goodness this beautiful world is what makes my heart ache"
  • Later that afternoon the peaceful girl is walking down the street minding her own business when two local tough guys decided to say a few words to make her feel uncomfortable."What's with that goggle and ski jacket!", Yells the raunchy boy in the grey coat.The other weird boys sitting to his left cackles out, "how can you be cold when it's 70° out! It's springtime! Can't you see and feel!"Peaceful girl keeps walking past and is notably bothered by these subtle insults."You all don't know what my body temperature is, do you!.. Because my body is cooler does that make me different!?", Blurts out the uncomfortable girl while looking away... and scooting past..
  • Later that afternoon, along the desolate stretch of empty stores near the beach, this little girl, a very alone, very special little girl, walked … And walked… And walked and walked until sunset. It was only until the moon rose over the water and that the stars shone brightly in the sky, did her tears finally dry....again..just for this short night until ....her next day of desperate hurt...and then..another night.....
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