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Water pollution

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Water pollution
Storyboard That

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إنشاء القصة المصورة الخاصة بك

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I think water pollution is caused by the vehicles and factories that cause acid rain
  • Hi! I’m working on a school project about water pollution, what do you think causes it?
  • I think it’s caused because of the trash we throw in the water that effects the animals environment and their food chain.
  • Hey! What do you think causes water pollution?
  • Hi, why do you think water pollution is caused?
  • I think the water pollution is caused by the fuel from ships and water vehicles that cause algal bloom and that will affect organisms that live in the water
  • The solution is to start filtering factories and start using natural gas or use inviromently friendly cars
  • And what do you think are some solutions for that?
  • Stop throwing trash
  • And what do you think are some solutions for that?
  • And what do you think are some solutions for that?
  • Stop using and burning fossil fuel
  • Stop throwing trash
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