Mesoamerican civilizations

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Mesoamerican civilizations
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Mayan
  • women in mayan civilization are held in a very high regard. we are equal to men. luckily for me i am involved in political conversations, respect for me comes from the fact that i can bore a child, that is very respectable.
  • inca
  • women in Inca were very influential, so much to where they had their own cults. For example this is coya, she had authority over her marriage and real estate and cult! so fun. But for the rest they did housework, got married at 12 and took care of kids.
  • Aztec
  • some professions us women have are priest doctor or sorcerer. very much looked at as master of weaving and crafting. like always majority of our role was taking care of the kids and doing house work. but women sold their crafts which was a great part of the economy.
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