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Satire Comic Strips

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Satire Comic Strips
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • It seems like the elitist, corrupt, capitalist, plutocrat will win.
  • No, the other one.
  • I am on the side of decency and basic human rights.
  • Oh, had me worried for a second.
  • Global Corporate Hegemony says Trans RIghts
  • How can we appeal to the new generation?
  • Why is your application asking about my race?!
  • To screen out undesirable races, of course.
  • University Applications
  • Hmmmm.....I wonder why we are in political turmoil and extremism is increasing on both sides?????
  • We are not extreme enough.
  • We are on the side of degeneracy and hate America.
  • We are conserving nothing. Every day we give in to more and more degeneracy.
  • We stand against "progress".
  • My opinion and my people
  • Your opinion and your people
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