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Percy Jackson

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Percy Jackson
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Chapter 6
  • Cabin 11: Hermes
  • Chapter 7
  • This is Chiron showing Percy the camp
  • You are half-human, half-god. Your father isn't dead, Percy. He's one of the Olympians.
  • What does Annabeth means when she says that I am "the one," and why Clarisse says that I an not "'Big Three' material."
  • Here Annabeth is showing Percy the cabain where he is staying
  • Annabeth is desperately hoping to get a quest. Chiron told her that he saw her fate, and she wasn't ready for a quest yet. She would be ready when someone arrived. Since that , Annabeth thinks that every new camper is "the one" and that she is ready for her quest.
  • Here is when Clarisse takes Percy to his "initiation" and somehow Percy makes the water from the toilets come out and hit Clarisse and her friends
  • Here is Annabeth telling Percy the truth about his dad.
  • Luke is explaining Percy why does Anabeth says that he is "the one".
  • Percy in the dinning room. All of the campers offer up a piece of their meal to the bonfire in the middle of the dining room.As Percy makes his offering, he silently asks his dad, whoever that may be, to claim him.
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