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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • The Outer Frame
  • " Any real body must have extension in four directions: it must have Length, Breadth, Thickness, and--Duration." 
  • The Eloi
  • "Then came one laughing towards me, carrying a chain of beautiful flowers altogether new to me, and put it about my neck."
  • Meeting Weena
  • "I caught the poor mite, and drew her safe to land. "
  • The Time Traveler explains to a group of friends that he believes in a fourth dimension, through which it is possible to time travel. A week later he begins to tell the story of his time travel.
  • Bellow the Surface?
  • Sitting by the side of these wells, and peering down into the shafted darkness, I could see no gleam of water, nor could I start any reflection with a lighted match. 
  • The Eloi live in once-grand buildings, speak another language, and eat exotic fruits.
  • Morlocks
  • The TT meets Weena when he saves her from drowning in the Thames river.
  • Descending
  • The TT discovers odd well-like structures, ventilation towers, and industrial noises coming from below the surface of the ground.
  • He finds the counterbalance of the Eloi, the aggressive Morlocks, ape-like creatures who live and work underground.
  • Eloi must have descended from the privileged classes of earlier eras, and that the Morlocks descended from workers who were forced to toil underground to provide the elite with a life of luxury.
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