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Fruits and It Seeds

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Fruits and It Seeds
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Ok Esha ! we are ready, excited and it will be fun!
  • Hello Aradhya and Aarib!Lets Play , we will call it Playing while Learning, our topic will be about Fruits and it Seeds?
  • I will start, Give me 3 example of fruits that have FEW seeds?
  • me, me, me, I think papaya, apple, and orange
  • Opps!!, I think Papaya is not included because papaya have MANY seeds like watermelon, pomegranate etc.
  • Thank you Aarib, now I know that Papaya have MANY seeds.
  • Thumbs Up Aarib!!Like my favourite Mango having ONE big seed only...Yum yum yum....
  • Welcome Aaradhya, Meenakshi mam told that some fruits have MANY seeds, some have FEW seeds and some have ONE seed only.I
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