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نص القصة المصورة

  • See what hamlet didn't know is that his whole life would turn upside down in the matter of days because of his uncle Claudius also known as tio/ papi. He killed the king also known as hamlets dad and he would marry hamlets mother Gertrude 
  • I'm hamlet and i am living my best life. I'm going to school and nothings gonna happen
  • After all that mess happened about a few months later the ghost of the king came forth to the guards and made his appearance. The guards could not catch him or talk to him so they brought this man named Horacio. He was a schooler and a very bright man. When they brought him the king made an appearance again and they all decided to tell hamlet. When hamlet saw him he talked to him and told him Denmark was going to go to war.
  • See tio/papi was feeling scared that hamlet might do something or he knows so he got Polonius to come with his daughter Ophelia. See he brought them because hamlet and Ophelia were together but Polonius (also known as her dad) wanted to make sure that hamlet really loved her and not just using her. So, he got them and also to Horacio to watch him and report back to him. Eventually Hamlet did find out, he felt betrayed and didn't trust anybody.
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