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The six kingdoms

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The six kingdoms
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • I wonder what will happen if i steal the cell kingdoms?HAHAHAHA
  • Why are the cell kingdoms soimportant ?
  • Mr bad biologist has stolen the cell kingdoms.
  • We will tell them on the way. Now, Let´s get the six kingdoms back!
  • Eubacteria in the human guts play important role in digestion of food and synthesis of vitamin K.They also help the body from bacteria.
  • Archeabacteria recycle ´s the essential elements and regulate the bigeochemical processes.
  • Protoctists: Algaethey are Cells with cell wall and They are not plants! Without stem, roots or leaves Floating or attached to the bottom In fresh or salt water.
  • : ProtozoansProtoctists: harmful protozoans: Some can cause severe diseases: malaria, sleeping sickness, amoebic dysentery,etc.
  • Fungi have Cell walls without cellulose and without chloroplasts, they are Mostly free-living and saprotrophs. Extra-cellular digestion - excreting enzymes and absorbing soluble products. 
  • Oh! thank you that was very helpful, now let´s get the cell kingdoms back!
  • We got the kingdoms back!
  • This isn´t over!
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