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Medieval Art

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Medieval Art
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Medieval European Nightmare Babies
  • Art is cool.
  • Charlemagne encouraged production of monumental artwork
  • Artwork became popular in churches and cathedrals.
  • lol what
  • Artists were commissioned to draw nightmare babies.
  • Draw me a baby. But give him a receding hairline. And rippling abs.
  • Jesus must be perfect. From birth.
  • This was because Jesus must be a perfect, immortal being from birth who could not wither or age.
  • Stupid Storyboarder doesn't let me upload photos but pretend this is a nightmare baby. Search it up, if you will.
  • And thus, all babies depicted in medieval artwork has a special place in my nightmares and heavily resembles a froguel.:)
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