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Island Energy

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Island Energy
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what is energy, Island Energy biomass energy non & renewable resources

نص القصة المصورة

  • Island Energy Resources
  • Biomass Power Station
  • Hydroelectric Power Station
  • Geothermal Power Station
  • This needs biofuel which could be provided from the forest. Placing the power station close to the forest will reduce transport costs.
  • Wave Power Generator
  • This would work well near the river or waterfall high up the the mountains as the water there has a lot of gravitational potential energy.
  • Wind Turbines
  • Best put in the hot springs area as there is volcanic activity there.
  • Placed in a location that gets lots of big, strong waves. It would be best in an unsheltered part of the ocean. It still needs to be close to the shore to reduce transmission costs.
  • Wind Turbines would work well in a valley where the mountains channel the wind.
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