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The Wednesday Wars pages 130-183

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The Wednesday Wars pages 130-183
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Holling Hoodhood: We we were all spending a lot of time getting ready for the Kiwanis Club. 
  • Holling Hoddhood: My sister went upstairs to the bathroom to tie her hair from her face and I went after her to tell her to take the orchid and flush it down the toilet.
  • Holling Hoodhood's Mom: Down the toilet, you little jerk.
  • Holling Hoddhood: It was early spring and me and my class went to Mrs. Baker garden.
  • Mrs. Baker: A mallet, Romeo
  • Romeo: You don't know how big a rat on the loose can give get in five months, Mrs. Baker.
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