The Birthmark - TWIST Analysis

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The Birthmark - TWIST Analysis
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هناك اختصاران لبدء الدمج مع طلاب ELA الخاصين بك وهما TWIST و TP-CASTT. كلاهما يسلط الضوء على مفاهيم مهمة من العمل وسيساعد على زيادة الفهم الأدبي العام!

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القصة المصورة الوصف

The Birthmark Analysis | Use TWIST to analyze stories!

نص القصة المصورة

  • T - TONE
  • S - STYLE
  • T - THEME
  • Disgusted: Aylmer has a grotesque fascination with Georgiana’s birthmark. Instead of seeing it as a mark of uniqueness he see’s it as an imperfection.
  • Degregating, ineludible, sin, sorrow, death, decay, sombre, frightening, trouble, horror.
  • “The crimson hand expressed the ineludible gripe in which mortality clutches the highest and purest of 6 earthly mould...” The sight of the birthmark reminds Aylmer of Georgiana’s near perfection.
  • The narrator uses particular imagery and word choice in his description to illustrate Aylmer’s disdain and disappointment in Georgiana’s lack of perfection.
  • From a Puritan perspective, a possible interpretation for this short passage is that man is flawed and sinful. The lack of perfection he sees in Georgiana is in fact the imperfection in man.
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