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Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • In this scene, you can see Eddie and Carl Van Loon. They are talking about business and Eddie is trying to work with him. The event contributes to the scene because eddie is showing Van Loon how good on a worker he has become over the time of taking the pills (pride). 
  • In this scene, you can see Eddie and Carl Van Loon. Carl is telling Eddie to come and work for him but Eddie knows all his tricks already. The event contributes to the scene because Eddie shows that Carl doesn't know everything and doesn't always know what's best for people( Pride). 
  • (Alternative ending) In this scene, You can see Eddie laying on his death bed with Lindy by his side. Eddie eventually got very sick from taking so many pills and ends on slowly dying. Lindy just being there by his side for what little time he has left. The event contributes to the scene because Eddie had a good run but eventually couldn't figure out a way to save his life. He couldn't be happier to have Lindy there with him every step of the way (Pride).
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