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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Arachne
  • exposition
  • rising action
  • climax
  • 1. Arachne 2. Athene 3. father 4. village people 5. old ladybackground: little village in Greece
  • falling acction
  • famous for weaver Arachne thought she was better than the god, Athene, She challenges Athene and tells her she has done nothing good with her life. the old lady starts fading away and Athene comes out. Athene starts weaving mortals that have challenged gods and have failed
  • resolution
  • Arachne started putting of the gods and what they did wrong. Athene ripped her weave and slapped her. she was about to hang herself.
  • Athene told her not to kill herself and never test the gods and to be humble.
  • Athene touches Arachne and turns her into a spider
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