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Boston Tea Party

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Boston Tea Party
Storyboard That

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جربه مجانا!

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جربه مجانا!

نص القصة المصورة

  • Monopoly!
  • Monopoly!
  • Monopoly!
  • Are we getting more tea or not!?
  • ...?
  • Boston people are boycotting due to taxes and British limiting there freedom, causing the Boston Massacre. ending in killing 5 colonist.
  • Quick before they see us!
  • Parliament made a new strategy. The East India company would sell the surplus tea, directly through hand-picked consignees in America. This would lower the price to costumers, making British tea competitive with smuggled variety while retaining some of taxes. But colonist saw British plow and shouted "Monopoly!"
  • You have to find them!!!
  • I know sir we'll do our best to find those bastards.
  • 5000 Bostonians crowding the south meeting house waiting to hear if more tea would be shipped.
  • After that it made the colonist mad and After that it made the colonist mad and about 50 men some dressed as Native Americans, marched down and stormed about three ships and threw 340 tea chests overboard.
  • This infuriated the British government responded with the Intolerable Act of 1774.
  • Representatives of the colonies gathered at Philadelphia how best to respond to British oppression. This first continental congress supported destruction of the tea, pledged to support a continued boycott, and went home in 1774.
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