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Early Battles

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Early Battles
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Battle of Long Island
  • Battle of Trenton
  • Battle of Princeton
  • They were fighting the Germen mercenaries. George Washington retreated from New York after the defeat.
  • Battle of Brandywine
  • Washington's troops crossed the frozen Delaware river on Christmas. They ambushed the Hessians.
  • Battle of Saratoga
  • Washington flanked the British. British troops mostly leave New Jersey after Princeton
  • It was major loss for the Americans. Washington was trying to protect Philadelphia but failed.
  • The battle of Saratoga was a win for the Americans. The battle was the turning point of Saratoga.
  • We first started with a loss at Long Island. Then, we succeed at the battles of Trenton and Princeton. Then, we had a major loss at the battle of Brandywine, Lastly, the Americans won the battle of Saratoga, turning point
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