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Betty the Influencer

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Betty the Influencer
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • This report will get Abby in trouble for sure! I'm so sick of her being seen as the perfect princess, when she's really a mean fraud! She even has the most popular kids at school under her pokey thumb, like John and Elizabeth!
  • Ah!
  • Betty, what are you doing? You've been keeping to yourself the entire day!
  • Daddy? Guys? W-what are you all doing here?
  • Yeah, sis! When dad said that something was wrong with you, I had to come! What kind of sister would I be if I didn't check up on my sibling?
  • I asked them all to come here. We're worried about you, Betty.
  • My apologies that I didn't come sooner. By looking at the papers on your board, there is clearly something disturbing on your mind. 
  • I told you all already! It's Abby! She has been fooling everyone, but you guys don't believe me! These papers are solid evidence of all the things she's done!
  • What!?
  • Evidence?
  • Betty, I swear to God, if you don't stop accusing me of being the bad guy here, or making fake reports about John and I, I will slap you so hard your spirit will leave your body!
  • Betty, just say sorry already!
  • Mom, please, help me! Please protect me from Abby! Please come back!
  • Daddy, Tituba, I am so sorry you had to see that! But Betty's lying! I would never do anything wrong! I had to stand up for myself!
  • How could this happen? Betty was such a good girl...
  • We know, Abigail. Don't worry. Goody Nurse and Pale will be over here soon to check up on your sister as well.
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