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The One- Child Policy law

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The One- Child Policy law
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Basically it shows how evil China was.

نص القصة المصورة

  • One-Child Policy
  • By Titus Olson
  • Today I'll be discussing the One-Child Policy
  • Here are some words that define the One-Child Policy Abortion: Killing a baby when it's still in it's mothers stomach. Sterilization: To make a person unable to have a child. Communism: All property is controlled by the community, including how you live. Gender Gap: The differences between Women and men.
  • The One-Child Policy was a law from China that was introduced in 1979 and ended in 2015.
  • The law only allowed two parents to have one child, and for one parent to have two children.
  • Why was it allowed?
  • Why were so many people alright with it?
  • When did it end?
  • The chinese government wanted to decrease the population.
  • The people didn't see anything wrong with it.
  • It ended in 2015.
  • The law cost the lives of 400 million children/babies.
  • Thankfully, The Child-Policy is no longer allowed.
  • I chose the One-Child Policy cause, I wanted to see what this did to the young generation, and I don't like what happened to those children.
  • It shouldn't have been a law.
  • In conclusion, the One-Child Policy was incredibly messed up. It's a great thing that it no longer exists.
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