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The New Job

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The New Job
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Tyler! It's great to see you! I haven't seen you since we worked at Acme, Inc. Are you still there?
  • Hi Haileigh! I've actually recently started a fantastic new job at HMHS Diversified Business Solutions!
  • Wow--I don't think I've ever seen anyone so enthusiastic about a job before...What's so great about it?
  • Thinking of LEARN Events
  • They really care about Employee Success, and there are a TON of opportunities to grow my Professional and Leadership skills through the LEARN Events
  • L. Leadership E. Engagement A. Advise R. Resources N. Networking
  • There are also plenty of other chances to build our skills, like Toastmasters and the Aspiring Professionals events.
  • And our commitment to Quality is top-notch. We've made strides in defect reduction that seemed unthinkable just a year ago!
  • I really appreciate the way the executives invest in A-Players. DBS works hard to get the right person into the right role. I really feel like I'm able to do the best work of my career here!
  • That sounds great! Do they have any current openings?
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