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Abdurahman Zakhidov_Gr6D_Lyme Disease

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Abdurahman Zakhidov_Gr6D_Lyme Disease
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • Hey Peter, why do you seem sad?
  • Hi Jack.
  • Have you heard about Lyme Disease?
  • No.
  • Lyme Disease is a disease that can cause fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash 
  • Oh no!
  • It is transmitted to humans throughthebite of infected black-legged ticks. That's why you should grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible, using tweezers if available.
  • Hmm, ok
  • But luckily, there are oral antibiotics that kill the infections caused by bacteria!
  • That's amazing!
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