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PDHPE OCD Mental health

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PDHPE OCD Mental health
Storyboard That

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نص القصة المصورة

  • What's wrong Dad? Live how? Are you okay?
  • How can you sit here with these pillows on weird angles, it's hard to even stand here
  • Dad! I-I...I can fix it, just calm down.Please, sit dad.We need to talk.
  • ...
  • Dad, you need to see a specialist for these constant lash-outs. It's tearing your marriage and relationships apart. I care for you Dad, that is why I think you need help.
  • I KNOWWW! This is ruining me! *sobs*I can't think calmly because I am always bothered
  • I know, that why we need help. Mum is in on this too. I just think we need to get it under control before things turn ugly with you and mum.
  • Love You!
  • Im john, great to meet you.
  • Hi john, I'm Anne, great to finally meet you. what are you struggling with?
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