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Pavlasek plot graph

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Pavlasek plot graph
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نص القصة المصورة

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action 
  • Ponyboy, Johnny, Steve, Darry, soda and Dallas are hanging out in the vacant lot. They are in Tulsa O.k. in the 1960's.
  • Climax
  • Darry hit ponyboy so him and Johnny ran to the park but then the soc's pulled up tried and to jump them. One soc named bob put Ponyboy's head in the fountain to try and drown Ponyboy. Then Johnny stabbed Bob to save Ponyboy.
  • Falling Action
  • Johnny and Ponyboy went to hide out in a rural town called Windrixville but when they left to get some ice cream with Dallas the church caught on fire. But, There was a class of children having a picnic up there and some kids that were playing in the church were trapped by fire. So Johnny, Ponyboy and Dallas went in the church to save the kid even thought there was a fire.
  • Resolution
  • Johnny suffered 3 degree burns and a broken back from helping those kids from the fire. Also the big rumble is happening between the Greasers and the Soc's.
  • The greasers won the rumble and came too tell johnny, but as they were there he passed away.
  • Stay gold Ponyboy
  • Since the Soc's lost the rumble they won't mess with the greasers now And Darry, soda and Ponyboy.
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