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Civil War Important People

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Civil War Important People
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القصة المصورة الوصف

Jefferson Davis Abraham Lincoln Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant William Carney Philip Bazaar

نص القصة المصورة

  • Jefferson Davis
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Robert E. Lee
  • Born-June 3, 1808, Christian County, Kentucky Died- December 6, 1889, New Orleans, Louisiana He was U.S senator and secretary of war before his election on February 18, 1861 as the president of secessionist Confederate States of America.
  • Ulysses S. Grant
  • Born- February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky Died- April 15, 1865 He was the 16th president of the U.S. He maintained the union together during the civil war as well as the person you brought up the emancipation of slaves.
  • William Carney
  • Born- January 19, 1807, Virginia Died- October 12, 1870 He was the leading general of the confederate during the civil war and a heroic figure in the American South.
  • Philip Bazaar
  • Born- April 27, 1822, Point Pleasant, Ohio Died- July 23, 1885 He was a U.S. general and commander of the union armies during the american civil war, also the 18th perident of the U.S.
  • Born-February 29, 1840, Norfolk, VA Died- December 9, 1908 He was the first african-american soldier to earn the medal of honor.
  • Born- Chile and migrated to U.S Died-December 28, 1923 He was a navy soldier who was awarded the NAVY medal of honor.
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