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Планове за Нощно Учение Нощта от Ели Уизел

Night by Elie Wiesel is an autobiographical story, told by Wiesel, depicting his life and journey through the Holocaust as a young boy. In his memoir, he discusses growing up as a devout Jewish boy, and continues the novel through his time spent in Auschwitz, a notorious Nazi concentration camp. The novel ends with his liberation and briefly touches upon his life at the end of WWII.

Тези ресурси за Холокоста могат или не са подходящи за някои групи ученици. Моля, използвайте най-добрата си преценка, когато избирате материали за вашите ученици. За повече информация относно преподаването на Холокоста вижте нашите уроци по история на Холокоста.

Storyboard That също предлага разширен пакет изображения (включен в абонамента), който съдържа графични изображения, включително жертви на Холокоста и нацистки войници. Поради естеството на този материал той е скрит по подразбиране. Променете настройките на акаунта си.

Студентски дейности за нощ

A Quick Synopsis of Night

In the beginning of his novel, Elie dives into his deeply religious beliefs and discusses his interest in pursuing religious studies. All of that changes when the Nazis arrive in his small town. Despite the warnings and rumors, by 1944 Elie, his family, and his town are moved into a ghetto.

When the Nazis came again, the Jews are sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Men and women were segregated, and Elie was divided from his family, except for his father. Elie relates the atrocious events that occurred inside the camp, and gives insight to the theme of survival and faith.

Essential Questions for Night

  1. What kind of hate is racism? Does racism exist in our society today?
  2. Do people control groups or do groups control people?
  3. How does prejudice lead to violence?
  4. In what ways does a person seek or lose faith in dire situations?

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