Doppelgängers v Literatuře Příklad

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Doppelgängers v Literatuře Příklad
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Co je Plán Lekce Dopplegangera


Plány Lekcí od Kristy Littlehale

Co je doppelganger? V nejjednodušším pojetí, doppelgänger je někdo dvojče, nebo dvojitý. Někdy může být doppelgänger "zlí dvojčata"; může být také reprezentativní pro dvojitou životnost. Doppelgängers jsou zajímavé, protože zkoumají dualitu lidské přirozenosti - obě strany lidí, které koexistují, ale někdy se vzájemně setkávají.

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Storyboard Popis

Doppelgangers v literatuře Příklad - doppelganger příběhy - doppelganger definice

Storyboard Text

  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • "A large, well-made, smooth-facedman of fifty, with something of a slyish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness"
  • Wants to indulge in vices without compromising his social standing in the community
  • Dr. Henry Jekyll
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • A little man who "stumps" along; evokes feelings of dread, fear, and a desire to kill him in others; gives a strong feeling of deformity; a murderer
  • Delights in those vices
  • Edward Hyde
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • A wild fool; in charge; manipulative; a leader; a con artist
  • Same name; same height; same clothes; same intellectual abilities
  • William Wilson
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • Doesn't desire to lead, only to hold narrator back; tries to guide and advise the narrator; speaks in a low voice; sense of good and bad is sharper
  • Same name; same height; same clothes; same intellectual abilities
  • William Wilson
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • Kind and honest; ashamed of his family's history; honorable
  • 25 years old; good-looking; sunburnt cheek; dark eyes; long dark hair
  • Charles Darnay
  • Name:
  • Differences:
  • Similarities:
  • Unkempt and a bit slovenly; reckless; a disreputable look; depressed; heavy drinker; thinks he is unworthy and unable to have happiness in his life
  • Young with dark hair and dark eyes; good-looking; bears a striking resemblance to Charles in court
  • Sydney Carton
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