Eksempler på Klassiske Dilemmaer i Litteraturen

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Eksempler på Klassiske Dilemmaer i Litteraturen
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Hvad er Dilemma

Undervisning i Moralske og Etiske Dilemmaer

Af Rebecca Ray og Kristy Littlehale

I litteraturen udgør dilemmaer den centrale konflikt, mange hovedpersoner møder. Nogle gange har disse dilemmaer endda forårsaget ændringer i samfundet og historien! Almindelige dilemmaer omfatter: klassisk, etisk og moralsk.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Eksempler på Klassiske Dilemmaer i Litteraturen | Undervisningsdilemma i Litteratur

Storyboard Tekst

  • The Joads must decide what to do after they lose their farm to the bank. With other families in similar situations and heading towards the San Joaquin Valley in California, the Joads conclude that they can find work and a brighter future there, too.
  • After Walter loses the family's money in a bad investment, and Mr. Lindberg visits the family with a veiled threat, the Youngers must decide whether to move to the new house anyways, or stay in their apartment.
  • If Auggie goes to school with other kids, he will most likely get picked on and be stared at, but if he continues to be homeschooled, he will not meet other people or make friends.
  • Image Attributions:Historic Route 66 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/rheinitz/9382033406/) - Randy Heinitz - License: Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)

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