Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

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Necessary and Sufficient Conditions
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5 Hvorfor i Erhvervslivet

Hvad er de 5 Whys

af Nathanael Okhuysen

Når noget går galt, især i en stor organisation, kan der være et instinkt til at pege fingre og skifte skyld. Dette er nok ikke den bedste måde at forhindre, at problemet opstår i fremtiden. Sakichi Toyoda, grundlæggeren af ​​Toyota Motor Company, udviklede "5 Whys" -processen, en form for grundårsagsanalyse, til at identificere og løse problemer, der opstod i virksomheden. Det er siden blevet bredt vedtaget som en del af Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen og Six Sigma-metoden.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

causation - cause and effect - Root Cause analysis

Storyboard Tekst

  • Neither Necessary, nor Sufficient
  • HELLO!
  • Sufficient, but not Necessary
  • Being human means you can talk. (Some birds can speak, and some humans cannot)
  • Necessary, but not Sufficient
  • Causation
  • The sidewalk is wet because it's raining. (The sidewalk could get wet from some other cause, a hose, for instance.)
  • Necessary and Sufficient
  • You have to be 30 years old to serve as a US Senator. (Being 30 is not enough to make you a senator though.)
  • Lighting causes thunder. (Thunder cannot be caused by anything other than lightning.)
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