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  • what being lives here?
  • Come on Odysseus lets just grab the chesse and the sheep and flee before something bad happens again!
  • No, I want to see if this enormous being can give me a gift.
  • We must get out of here before he finds us and kills us like he did our friends!
  • Yes, the liquor made him drunk and pass out. Now is our chance to blind him.
  • I can use the sheep the get out of this wretched place.
  • Posiedon Lord, hear my prayer and make sure that Odysseus will not return home with all his men.
  • Haha you'll never catch us Cyclops!
  • NO Oddysseus, don't!
  • Don't you see what you have done Odysseyus? Because of you showing your hubris, you have made Poseidon as an enemy while we are sailing on his home turf., the sea
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