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  • One day Aristotle has come across with a childd with a balloon
  • Has the air weight?
  • He was tihinking how to check if the air has weight.
  • Ahh! We could take a balloon and fill it with air and we take a scale and put the balloon at him and then look if it increases the weight.
  • Teacher, the balloon without air has a weight of 1g
  • He call his students to watch the experiment.
  • Now we are going to fill it with air.
  • Then Aristotle shows that air has weight.
  • Teacher,the weight of the filling balloon has a weight of 1.8g!
  • So students we succeeded!
  • Finally Aristotle receives the novel price.
  • I discovered that the air has weight when I came across with the balloon that I see.
  • And he become famous.
  • Thank you everyone!
  • You are a very good scientific !
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