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  • Had you ever wondered what your dogs do when you leave them alone? *Questioning sounds and slow music* *Recreational footage of a person leaving her dog*
  • Bye Lola!!
  • *Visual animation of a bubble text and celebration balloons to make the footage funnier* *Funny circus music at the background*
  • Well, some of our little friends make a bunch of activities that you as an owner would never imagine them doing with you around. Let's look at these video *archival footage* sent by different people around the world.
  • Finally, time to watch MY favorite shows. *Barking sounds*
  • It is interesting how among the more than 150 breeds of dogs that exist today, they all enjoy and experience the same chaotic but simple activities.
  • This is so high! I LOVE IT!
  • I needed this fresh air...
  • *Sounds of dogs playing* *Funny circus music*
  • We have these little friends too, but let's save them for the next documentary.*The music turns soft and calmed in this clip*
  • *B-roll of calmed cats (since the documentary is about dogs) spending their time alone in a contrasting way than dogs as they are just quietly watching a telenovela.*
  • Perfect timing to our telenovela.
  • Dogs are really very silly animals, the next time you leave them alone, don't forget to close your kitchens.
  • The fridge! Bingo!
  • *Suspense music and approximating sounds*
  • Where's the food??
  • So, our pets are such creative creatures by themselves, as we had seen, but still, they will always miss their adoptive parents. Remember that.
  • *Happy music and bark sounds as the dog goes with his owner* *The happy music of this clip starts fading* THE END.
  • I missed her!
  • Jack Jack! Hi!
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