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Night Elie Wiesel

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Night Elie Wiesel
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Storyboard Beschreibung

chapter 9 scene


  • All Jews must gather at the appelplatz 
  • The children had been waiting for a long time for the SS to show and count them
  • "Go back to your block. The Germans plan to shoot you. Goback and don't move."
  • Ten blocks ofinmates would be evacuated every day and the people that passed the camp's gate did not return.
  • Since no more food was being distributed they ate grass and potato peels that they found on the kitchen floor 
  • The resistance movement acted and armed men appeared from everywhere. Bursts of gunshots. Grenades exploding. where heard and the children remained flat on the floor
  • The only thought they had was to throw themselves onto theprovisions. No sign of revenge,or rememberance of their of parents where shown. Only of bread.
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