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  • Okay Class, lets us congratulate Kate for having a perfect score in our short quiz.
  • Whew... Cell theory is really a interesting and complicated but it catch my attention because it is all about the structure of life. I will dig more about this topic so that I can have answers for the quiz tomorrow.
  • Cell theory states that living things are composed of one or more cells, that the cell is the basic unit of life, and that cells arise from existing cells.
  • Cell Theory
  • Cell Theory
  • Cell Theory
  • 2. I am Robert Hooke, examined a thin slice of cork under the microscope. I observed that the piece of cork was composed of many tiny compartments which resembled little rooms with surrounding wall. I named these compartments cells.
  • 4. I'm Kate and sorry to disturb you but I have to go.
  • 5. (THOUGHTS) Wait a second, did he just said that He was...
  • 3. Who are you young lady? What are doing here in my laboratory?
  • 2. Ohh.. Hello there, Young Lady! You're exactly on time. I just discover something that can make the life of human and other living things incredible!
  • Okay, Mister. Can I ask you something do you the way out h----
  • 3. Hmm..o-okay, but w-who a-are y-you?
  • 1. ( THOUGHTS) OUCH! WHERE I AM AGAIN? IS THIS SOME KIND OF PRANK AGAIN? Who would believe that I just met Robert Hooke? HAHAHAHAHA
  • 4. I am Dutch inventor Antoine VanLeuwenhoek. I observed red blood cells, sperms and amyriad of single-celled organisms in pond water. I havediscovered free cells and observed the nucleus within some red blood cells.
  • 5. My bad, allow me to introduce myself. I am Matthias Schleiden, a German botanist, that stated that all plants are composed of cells.
  • 2. Hello, Miss. You look lost. Do you need help?
  • 3. Yes, Young Lady we can help you.
  • 6. While me, I am Theodore Schwann, a German zoologist, that concluded that all animals are composed of cells.
  • 1. Another place again. (sigh) I know that I will meet another scientist in the cell theory.
  • 4. Ohh no, just continue what you are doing. I'm fine here. By the way, who are you?
  • 7. I have already met Rooke, Leuwenhoek, Schleiden, and Schawann that means tha---ouch!
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