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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • We should not have gone to the party, because Coach is going to suspend us. He clearly instructed us to go to bed right away.
  • Oh c'mon Mika, He'll never know because he wasn't at the party.
  • Oh noo....
  • How was your night, ladies?
  • Please don't suspend us coach, we didn't intend to disobey you. I'm sorry.
  • Is there anything you'd like to tell me
  • I'm sorry Shane but I'm not going to lie about it.
  • MIKA!!!
  • I don't have a choice; how would that appear to the other girls on the team? Keep in mind that you are the LEADER!
  • Instead of creating more secrets, it's better to tell me.
  • If you didn't tell him, he'd never know.
  • I can't maintain secrets like that; he'd ultimately figure it out.
  • I agree with Mika; if she hadn't said anything, you guys might have gotten into more trouble.
  • After speaking with the other coaches, we expect much more from you two as team leaders. Both of you will sit for two games. This must not happen again.
  • We promise, It won't happen again. Sorry Coach.
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