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Unknown Story
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  • Aye!
  • Now that Helen and Menelaus are married, you must all swear to support Menelaus and to help if anyone tries to kidnap Helen.
  • HAHA!
  • I deem you the most beautiful, now take me to fair Helen!
  • Helen has been taken! Greeks, let us unite and Arrange a military expedition to Troy!
  • The Greeks then laid siege on Troy for ten years. However, the city was greatly fortified.
  • Then Odysseus, the King of Ithaca thought of a trick to help seize Troy. They built a huge wooden horse, left it outside the city and then sailed away. When they had gone, the Trojans brought the horse into the city thinking it would bring them luck.
  • That night, the Greek soldiers, who were concealed inside the hollow horse, charged in and destroyed the city. The Greeks won!
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