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  • This whale pump, as it's called, actually brings essential limiting nutrients from the depths to the surface waters where they stimulate the growth of phytoplankton, which forms the base of all marine food chains
  • Unfortunately, many people still think that whale conservationists like myself do what we do only because these creatures are charismatic and beautiful. This is actually a disservice, because whales are ecosystem engineers. They help maintain the stability and health of the oceans, and even provide services to human society.
  • So really, having more whales in the oceans pooping is really beneficial to the entire ecosystem.
  • Whale carcasses are also known to transport about 190,000 tons of carbon, which is the equivalent of that produced by 80,000 cars per year from the atmosphere to the deep oceans, and the deep oceans are what we call "carbon sinks," because they trap and hold excess carbon from the atmosphere, and therefore help to delay global warming. Sometimes these carcasses also wash up on beaches and provide a meal to a number of predatory species on land.
  • whales do poop as a way to release toxins from the body as do dolphins and porpoises; and pretty much all known animal species for that matter.
  • So, let's save the whales again, but this time, let's not just do it for their sake. Let's also do it for ours.
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