Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • English Civil War and Revolution
  • HI I'm James 
  • English Civil War and Revolution
  • English Civil War and Revolution
  • James believed in Divine Right of Kings ( believed he did not have to work together with Parliament.) Beginning of tension between monarchy and parliament, also did not see eye to eye on issues of money.
  • English Civil War and Revolution
  • Religious Issue- Puritans wished to make church of England more Protestant ( many were members of House of commons.)
  • English Civil War and Revolution
  • I'm king
  • Charles I believed in Divine Right of Kings. James I son ( Charles I ) 1628 Parliament tried to limit the kings power. Limit king's ability to tax, imprison citizens, quarter troops and martial law.
  • English Civil War and Revolution
  • I'm king
  • Oliver Cronwell fought against King Charles and cavaliers. King Charles was beheaded ( first monarch to lose head in public. ) Abolished monarchy and set up commonwealth ( kind of like a Republic.)
  • 1660- Son of Charles I (Charles II) is made king. Charles II learned from his father and grandfather. No Divine Right and did not threaten Parliament's authority. Habeas Corpus Law- everyone gets a trial; cannot be held in jail forever.
  • James II becomes King 1685 ( Charles' brother), openly catholic- Parliament becomes worried. After James II becomes king group of English nobles encouraged William of Orange ( ruler of the Netherlands, husband to James II daughter Mary) to invade and take over.
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