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Parenting- The Disturbed Girls' Dictionary

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Parenting- The Disturbed Girls' Dictionary
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Storyboard Beschreibung

Skyler Brooks Period 5th


  • Intoducion
  • If my mom does it, why can't i? Obviously she thinks it's okay so i can too. It can'y be that bad, so maybe i will give those things a try. 
  • Just because i do drugs and act like a hooker doesn't mean that Macy has to.. She can make her own decisions.
  • Narrartion
  • Yasmin lets Macy believe that her behavior is acceptable. Macy talks back to her teachers and does whatever she wants. Macy bad behavior is reflected on Yasmin, but Yasmin doesn't care.
  • Confirmation Novel
  • Everyone needs a guidance and a leader. No matter how tough you are, you always need someone to be there and support you through everything. Parents are supposed to be the most important people in your life. They are supposed to be there for you no matter what. They should care for you, put over your hood, and make you feel safe all the time.
  • "I should, but i won't. I can, but i don't. I would, but it won't do no good. Understood?"(Disturbed Girls Dictionary) Macy has a hard time trusting people because they continuously let her down. Your parents should people you trust the most and when you lose that bond, it's hard to gain another one with anyone.
  • The actions of the parents definitely has an affect on the behavior of the kids. I believe that when a parent is to act out it makes the child think it's okay to do the same.
  • Confirmation Research Source
  • When you live in a house surrounded by bad behavior it eventually becomes something you will do too. Almost every kid will be easily influenced especially when it by someone they love and trust, meaning their parents.
  • Concession/Refutation
  • Macy would always do bad things and get in trouble but Yasmin would never punish her or show her that is was wrong. 
  • She can make her own decsions and screw up on her own. She doesn't need me. 
  • When a parent isn't doing their job, the child can become lost and confused. Without someone to look up to and follow, children will not know how to act. With a bad influence comes bad children, and with good influences comes good children. Yasmin was never a good mom; therefore, Macy would act out for the littlest things. Who knows maybe it was just for a little attention.
  • Conclusion
  • I am gonna try and be a better parent!!
  • Parenting refers to the various practices involved in raising children. The main responsibilities of parents include providing a safe, healthy, and nurturing environment for their children’s growth and development and instilling their children with moral and cultural values. I agree with this statement because if i child is to grow up without the basic necessities in life they are bound to have problems. "Parenting."
  • Yasmin had another kid, but Macy was the one to take care of it. Macy fed her, slept with her, changed her diapers, and bathed her. Yasmin wasn't the parent that any of her children needed. Macy shouldn't have had to of been the parent of her mothers child.
  • Some people my think "Oh kids make their own choices and mess up their own lives." When really it's the parents responsibility to show them right from wrong and discipline them. 'Studies have shown that children raised in low-SES households face a heightened risk of mental health issues, including delinquent behavior, depression, anxiety, aggression, hostility, substance abuse, and suicide.' Evidence has shown that kids tend to do better with a stable household and responsible parents. "Child Care."
  • With what we have learned and know we can say that with bad parenting comes bad behavior, and with good parenting comes better behavior. No parent, nor kid, is perfect, but we can try our hardest to be the best we can.
  • Even if you have messed up in the past no one is stopping you from doing better in the future. It may take a lot of work to regain all the trust and ownership of your life back, but you can do it.
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