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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • Our triangle will remain the same no matter what jobs we are assigned at the Ceremony of Twelve. Since I can't lie, I have to confess that I'm nervous of what awaits for us.
  • What is a Receiver of Memory?
  • Jonas hasn't been chosen for any position he has been selected as the " Receiver of Memory" one of the most honorable jobs in the community.
  • Good question 
  • Why would anyone want to get rid of this ?
  • Jonas lives in a utopian community where there is no conflict in exchange for the inability to feel. Here, he and his best friends Asher and Fiona share how they feel about the ceremony that is coming up.
  • It will only hurt for a tiny bit.
  • The Ceremony of Twelve arrives , after being skipped Jonas is selected as the Reciever of Memory ,
  • We have to cross the boundary of memory.
  • As time passes, he begins to experience emotions that the community is ignorant of, such as love, passion, and sorrow, as a result of his training and ability to experience and share memories.
  • Jonas discovers what "release" really means and understands that something needs to change.
  • When Jonas learns that Gabriel is about to be released, he chooses to run away with him and cross the boundary of memory to return the memories.
  • They transcend the memory barrier, arrive to Elsewhere, and return all of their memories to the world, finally having a place to call home.
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