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  • hi guys my name is Taishun and today we are going to be doing trigonometry, lets go have fun.
  • I'm at my local church. I want to find the length of X. I know that the top part of the cross is 1.5 ft. and the angel of inclination is 23º.So it's time to use sine i'm going to use the equation, 1.5/sin(23º) to get an answer of about 3.84 ft now we know that the distance from my ears to thetop of the cross is around 3.84 feet.
  • x
  • 23º
  • 1.5 ft
  • x
  • I have decided to go to mu back yard and see how highmy pet cat was on the tree. I know that that i am exactly seven feet away and the angel of inclination is 47º.In order to find the height, Taishun knows that he must use tangent.he uses the formula tan (47º)*7 to find that his pet cat is around7.51 ft high on.
  • 7ft
  • 47º
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