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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Hey, what a beautiful horse! We had a lot of them…
  • Thank you, its named Harpoon. Can I ask you why are you sad?
  • I was seeing how my people was disappearing through the mountains without food and how we were losing a lot of people in battle, so we decided to stop. We were going to live in worse conditions, but we could live. It was not worth it.
  • No! You have a point, but if you let them achieve their goal going above you you´re abandoning your principles. At least, that's the way I see it.
  • They wanted us to suffer unfair demands, so they sent troops to intimidate us. So, we fought and we became victorious.
  • Oh sorry, I didn't know that. I see that we have different perspectives for the seek of freedom. We will always seek freedom, but if it could be in a peaceful way, we would try it.
  • Well, seeing Harpoon makes me remember the time our tribe was snatched. I’m one of the chiefs of the tribe Nez Perce. The white men wanted our territory, so we tried to resist but we were losing too much.
  • Oh, that´s awful! You didn't do anything to deserved that, it was your home. You did right by resisting on them, but why did you stop?
  • So you’re saying that you need to fight till the end no matter what? You must be smart. And at the end of all, what gives you the right to talk about this topic?
  • I’m Patrick Henry, one of the leaders that led the revolution of the colonists against England. We went through a similar situation.
  • Yes, I think there could be different ideas on how to act, but I will always seek respect and freedom with every resource possible. Give me liberty or give me death.
  • Continue keeping your people safe. The pleasure was mine, Chief.
  • Well, it’s a very passionate way of thinking, I have to admit it. Always trust in yourself and in your people. It was a pleasure talking with you, Mr. Henry.
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