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american-mexico war

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american-mexico war
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  • It's happen in 1836, when Texas gain its independence from Mexico....
  • We can't incorporate you into union, northern political interest against new slave state
  • Any attempt at annexation would lead to war !
  • ...
  • nueces river
  • rio grande
  • After 1844, James K. Polk became the U.S president.He keep an eye on California, New Mexico and U. S SouthWest
  • Texas should be "re-annexed" and Oregon territory must "re-occupied" ...
  • When his offer to purchase those lands was rejected, he instigated a fight by moving troops into a disputed zone between the Rio Grande and Nueces River that both countries had previously recognized as part of the Mexican state of Coahuila.
  • Causes of the war
  • On April 25, 1846, Mexican cavalry attacked a group of U.S. soldiers under the command of G. Zachary Taylor. They then laid siege to an American fort along the Rio Grande. And–with the help of superior rifles and artillery–was able to defeat the Mexicans at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma.
  • Cup of forbearance has been exhausted, even before Mexico passed the boundary of the United States, invaded our territory, and shed American blood upon American soil.
  • During the war
  • If you allow me to go back to Mexico, I will end the war on your favorable.
  • U.S were able to conquer those lands with minimal resistance. At the Battle of Buena Vista in February 1847, Santa Anna suffered heavy casualties and was forced to withdraw. Meanwhile, U.S. troops led by General. Winfield Scott landed in Veracruz and took over the city. They then began marching toward Mexico City. The Mexicans resisted elsewhere but were bested each time. In September 1847, Scott successfully laid siege to Mexico City’s Chapultepec Castle.
  • Santa Anna
  • Well, OK.
  • But when he arrived, he immediately double-crossed Polk by taking control of the Mexican army and leading it into battle
  • Immediately consequence
  • Santa Anna resigned, and the United States waited for a new government capable of negotiations to form.
  • On Feb. 2, 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, establishing the Rio Grande and not the Nueces River as the U.S.-Mexican border. Under the treaty, Mexico also recognized the U.S. annexation of Texas, and agreed to sell California and the rest of its territory north of the Rio Grande for $15 million plus the assumption of certain damages claims.
  • Guerilla attacks against U.S. supply lines continued, but for all intents and purposes the war had ended.
  • Mexico then ratified the Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty, and the U.S gained almost half of Mexico teritory: Utah, California, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico
  • The first clause of the article explains that the Mexicans who were living in the land that became part of the United States because of the treaty, will be allowed to remain there or go back to Mexico, and they can bring or keep everything that belongs to them without being charged a fee or a tax. But, the Mexicans living in the territory must make the decision to claim United States citizenship, or claim to retain their Mexican ‘character’. Those who did not make the decision to officially claim will automatically become citizens.As we see in the above article, yes—Mexicans can elect to become citizens. But, the government is going to decide how much of a citizen they can become and when. who prefer to remain Mexico citizen or American citizen shall be under the obligation to make their election within one year from the date of the exchange of ratifications of this treaty; and those who shall remain in the said territories after the expiration of that year, without having declared their intention to retain the character of Mexicans, shall be considered to have elected to become citizens of the United States.
  • The land came with the natives and Mexican Americans. They were suddenly faced with forced situation of citizenship acording to articles VII of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • Other consequences
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