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  • French Revolution
  • Economic/Social Crisis
  • why do we pay taxes!!!!
  • Demands and Refused the old regime
  • were hungry
  • we want equality!!!!
  • The revolutionary government of France made reforms but used terror and violence to retain power.
  • Seize the Government
  • Economic and social inequalities in the old regime helped cause the French revolution. Financial crisis because the queen spent so much money on herself and became "Madame Deficit" rather than cutting expenses, Louis put off dealing with the emergency until he had no money left.
  • Radical phase
  • privileged estates- have access to high offices and exemptions from paying taxes (nobles) the third estate- about 97% of the people belonged to the third estate (poor). The social and political system of France were divided into three large social classes and the second estate- clergy. The poor wanted rights.
  • Restoration to normalcy
  • Peasants soon became outlaws themselves armed with pitchforks and other farm tools they broke into noble manor houses and destroyed the old legal papers that bound them to pay feudal dues.
  • Extreme circumstances radical leaders were able to gain power because of problems. The goal of the radical phase was to get rid of the monarchy all together those who disagree with this goal are seen as the enemy.The radical phase of the French revolution ended on July 28, 1794 when Robespierre went to the guillotine.
  • In July 1794 fearing for their own safety some members of the National Convention turned on Robespierre demanded his arrest and execution. French public opinion shifted dramatically after Robespierre's death. Moderate leaders in the National Convention had a new plan of government.
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