Temas en Tuck Everlasting

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Temas en Tuck Everlasting
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Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt Plan de Lecciones y Actividades

Tuck Everlasting de Natalie Babbitt

Por Lauren Ayube

Winnie Foster, de diez años, está aburrida de su vida. Hija única con padres muy serios, Winnie a menudo sueña despierta con huir. Un día, mientras está en el bosque, se encuentra con un niño que bebe agua de un manantial. No sabía que este encuentro casual cambiaría su vida para siempre.

Tuck Everlasting

Storyboard Descripción

¡Haga que los estudiantes identifiquen temas en Tuck Everlasting de Natalie Babbitt e ilustren ejemplos del texto!

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • I brought you this bottle of the spring water. When you are seventeen, you can drink it and we can live together forever.
  • There. You're safe. Forever.
  • The main theme of the novel is immortality. The Tucks will never age, they will never die. Time truly doesn’t mean anything to them. When Winnie was given the choice to live forever or not, she chose not to. Would you have made that same choice?
  • Winnie is extremely loyal to the Tuck family. One example of this is when she insists that she wasn’t kidnapped by them. Another example is when she takes a big risk by offering to pretend to be Mae in jail so the family can have more time to run away.
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