Negotiation Summary Template

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Negotiation Summary Template
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Cómo Prepararse Para una Negociación

por Nathanael Okhuysen

Esta es nuestra guía de negociación con storyboards. Planee su próxima negociación con herramientas de negocios como SWOT, Johari Window, BATNA y más. Utilizar storyboards en su preparación es útil para compartir sus ideas con colegas y compañeros negociadores.

¡Consulte algunos de nuestros otros artículos comerciales!

Storyboard Descripción

A template for constructing summary of your negotiation preparations.

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Weaknesses
  • Goals
  • BATNA & Bottom Line
  • Strengths
  • [List your relevant weaknesses]
  • Needs: [list things you need from the negotiation] Wants: [list things you want from the negotiation]
  • BATNA: [Describe your BATNA] Bottom Line: [List any walk away points. Be specific. Only list conditions that would actually be reasons to let the negotiation fail]
  • Tactical
  • [List your relevant strengths]
  • Strategy
  • Negotiation Summary
  • Their Strategy
  • [Describe the anticipated situation, a planned response, or any other important maneuver you want to have at hand]
  • [What's your approach? Preliminary first offer? Describe your plan in some broad strokes]
  • [Describe what their approach will be, or big moves you think they will make]
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