Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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  • I've always wanted a cat. I haven't been able to have one before because I guess.. I've always had a fear of commitment. When my parents got me this white, fluffy kitten for my birthday, it was the most overwhelming and exciting feeling I have ever felt.
  • 7 months later. . .
  • Bittersweet Love
  • After I got used to taking care of the cat, which my family and I decided to name Casper, my fears and mixed emotions suddenly disappeared. Even though he was an unusually lazy cat, playing with him was what strengthened our bond.
  • Aife! No peeking!
  • Okay mama!
  • AIFE!!! don't forget to stop by the grocery store to buy shower gel for us and kitty litter for casper!
  • My name is Aife Singh. My 15th birthday was honestly a series of roller coasters, but it will always the most memorable year I've ever had.
  • Surprise!
  • We were so alike, It was hard to tell differences sometimes. We would even watch television together!
  • Toto, I've got a feeling we are not in Kansas anymore...
  • RUFF !!
  • I was too late to notice that beneath this innocent face, there lied a tragic series of events that lurks in the shadows waiting to come out.
  • Chronic illnesses usually cannot be reversed, but if its detected at an early stage then we might be able to save him
  • A few weeks later...
  • I can see there is something wrong in his respiratory heart rate, and his kidneys seem to be functioning abnormally...
  • Every time we took him for a vet visit, the doctor would tell us his organs are normal and healthy in a really confident and reassuring way. In this visit, the reassurance seemed comforting, but when things went wrong, our expectations would hurt us more.
  • *cough*
  • It was a weird feeling. The feeling of taking responsibility.
  • But its cure-able, right doctor??
  • *sigh*
  • In the meantime, he needs to go home to get rest and the medicines we attached in his report. I suggest you come back as soon as you see signs of fever such as coughing, nausea and lethargy.
  • awwww
  • Out of all things, I loved watching him groom his fur. It was very therapeutic, and it taught me a thing or two on hygiene... shh
  • lick
  • lick
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