Zmedeni Glagoli: Glej, Glej, Pazi

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Zmedeni Glagoli: Glej, Glej, Pazi
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Storyboard Descripción

Pomagajte študentom ESL ločiti zmedene glagole, kot je videti, videti in gledati s stripi!

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • LOOK
  • Look at that owl!
  • SEE
  • No, I didn't see it.
  • Did you see that old car?
  • What are you doing, mom?
  • I'm watching my favorite show.
  • "Look" means to move our eyes to something and focus on or pay attention to it. "Look" often has "at" after it.
  • LOOK
  • "See" means to notice something or someone with our eyes. We do not continue to "look" at it, we just notice something or someone.
  • SEE
  • "Watch" is like "look," but when we "watch" we are using our eyes to look at something for a longer time. We watch movies, t.v., plays.
  • Create your own example using "look."
  • Create your own example using "see."
  • Create your own example using "watch."
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