Thèmes Anne of Green Gables

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Thèmes Anne of Green Gables
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Trois personnages d'Anne… la maison aux pignons verts se tiennent devant une maison blanche aux volets verts. Anne porte un chapeau et tient un sac. Matthew et Marilla se tiennent de chaque côté d'elle.

Anne of Green Gables par LM Montgomery

Par Liane Hicks

Anne of Green Gables est le classique bien-aimé d'une jeune orpheline qui grandit à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard, au Canada, à la fin des années 1800. Engagez et éduquez les étudiants avec Storyboard That activités préfabriquées!

Anne des Pignons Verts

Storyboard Description

De nombreux éléments littéraires enrichissent l'histoire d'Anne aux pignons verts. Les élèves peuvent suivre les thèmes, les symboles, les motifs et les préfigurations lorsqu'ils les rencontrent dans le roman et créer un storyboard avec des illustrations et des descriptions qui citent des preuves du texte.

Texte du Storyboard

  • "You mean, hateful boy! How dare you!"
  • The themes of love and family are woven throughout. As an orphan, Anne has never known a loving and stable home. While elderly brother and sister Matthew and Marilla are not the typical parents, they prove that families can come in many different shapes and sizes. Through them, Anne receives the love and support she's been longing for.
  • Anne's window faces a beautiful blossoming cherry tree and when she arrives she marvels at its splendor naming it "The Snow Queen". The window serves as a "window" into Anne's vivid imagination. It is also a symbol of her connection and friendship with Diana, as she and Diana use candles in it to communicate from afar.
  • Anne does not consider red hair to be an asset and is very sensitive about it. As wrong as she may be (red hair is beautiful!), she is preoccupied with it for much of the beginning. She even inadvertently dyes it green. Gilbert Blythe teases her with the nickname Carrots, to which she takes great offense. This is the beginning of their rivalry.
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