Negotiation Summary Template

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Negotiation Summary Template
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Comment se Préparer à une Négociation

par Nathanaël Okhuysen

C'est notre guide de négociation avec des story-boards. Planifiez votre prochaine négociation avec des outils commerciaux tels que SWOT, Johari Window, BATNA et plus encore. L'utilisation de storyboards dans votre préparation est utile pour partager vos idées avec des collègues et d'autres négociateurs.

Découvrez quelques-uns de nos autres articles sur les entreprises!

Storyboard Description

A template for constructing summary of your negotiation preparations.

Texte du Storyboard

  • Weaknesses
  • Goals
  • BATNA & Bottom Line
  • Strengths
  • [List your relevant weaknesses]
  • Needs: [list things you need from the negotiation] Wants: [list things you want from the negotiation]
  • BATNA: [Describe your BATNA] Bottom Line: [List any walk away points. Be specific. Only list conditions that would actually be reasons to let the negotiation fail]
  • Tactical
  • [List your relevant strengths]
  • Strategy
  • Negotiation Summary
  • Their Strategy
  • [Describe the anticipated situation, a planned response, or any other important maneuver you want to have at hand]
  • [What's your approach? Preliminary first offer? Describe your plan in some broad strokes]
  • [Describe what their approach will be, or big moves you think they will make]
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